The Board's primary objective is to protect and enhance long-term shareholders' value.
The Board is responsible for:
- formulating the Group's strategic direction and major policies;
- review the performance of the Group and monitor the achievement of management's goals;
- approval of the Group's financial statements, annual report, and announcements;
- approval of Group's operational and capital budgets;
- approval of major contracts, capital expenditure, acquisitions, and disposals;
- setting the remuneration, appointing, removing, and creating succession policies for Directors and senior executives;
- the effectiveness and integrity of the Group's internal control and management information systems; and
- overall corporate governance of the Group.
The Board has established a framework for the management of the Group including a system of internal control, risk management practices and the establishment of appropriate ethical standards. The Board holds regular meetings to discuss strategy, operational matters and any extraordinary meetings at such other times as may be necessary to address any specific and significant matters that may arise. The Board has determined that individual Directors have the right qualification and experience to perform their duties and responsibilities as Directors.
At least half of the Board comprises of independent non-executive Directors. The Board composition reflects the balance of skills and expertise to ensure that these are in line with the Group's strategies.
There is a clear segregation of roles of between the Chairman and CEO. The Chairman is responsible for leadership and management of the Board and ensures that it operates effectively and fully discharges its responsibilities. The Board has delegated responsibility for the day-today management and operations of the Group in accordance with the objectives and strategies established by the Board to the CEO and the senior management.
The Non-Executive Directors are responsible for providing independent advice and are considered by the Board to be independent of management and free from any business or relationship that would materially interfere with the exercise of independent judgment as a member. No one individual in the Board has unfettered powers of decision and no Director or group of Directors is able to unduly influence the Board's decision making. This enables the independent Directors to debate and constructively challenge the management on the Group's strategy, financial and operational matters.
The mix of skills, business and industry experience of the Directors is considered to be appropriate for the proper and efficient functioning of the Board. The Board has delegated the functions of selection and appointment of Directors to the Nomination Committee including the annual review of the structure, size, composition and balance of the Board.
Section 87(1) of the Labuan Companies Act provides that every Company shall have at least one director who may be a resident Director. Section 87(2) states that only an officer of a trust company established in Labuan shall act or be appointed as a resident Director. The Company's Articles provide that there shall be at least one and not more than 7 Directors. If the Company's activities increase in size, nature and scope the size of the Board will be reviewed periodically and the optimum number of Directors required to supervise adequately the Company is determined within the limitations imposed by the Company's Articles and as circumstances demand.
The Board conducts regular evaluates its performance and the effectiveness of the Board Committees. The performance of the Chairman and individual Directors is continually assessed to ensure that each director continues to contribute effectively and demonstrates commitment to the role.
Every year, the Directors offer themselves for re-election and their re-election is subject to the shareholders approval at the Company's Annual General Meeting.
Remuneration levels are competitively set to attract and retain appropriately qualified and experienced Directors and senior executives. The Board has delegated the setting of broad remuneration policy to the Remuneration Committee. The purpose of the policy is to ensure the remuneration package properly reflects the person's duties and responsibilities and level of performance, and that remuneration is competitive in attracting, retaining, and motivating people of the highest quality. Where necessary, independent advice on the appropriateness of remuneration packages is obtained.
The Board may seek independent consultant's advice at the Company's expense in relation to Director's rights and duties and the engagement is subject to prior approval of the Chairman and this will not be withheld unreasonably. The Company maintains a Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance policy that provides appropriate cover in respect of legal action brought against its Directors.
In the course of business, the Board acknowledges the need to maintain high standards of business and ethical conduct by all Directors, management, and employees of the Group. In this respect, the Group has the responsibility to observe local laws, customs, and culture of each country in which it operates in particular Kazakhstan, and to adopt the high standards of business practice, procedure, and integrity.
All Directors and employees are expected to act with the utmost integrity and objectivity, striving at all times to enhance the reputation and performance of the Group.
All Directors must keep the Board advised, on an ongoing basis, of any interest that could potentially conflict with those of the Group. Where the Board believes that a significant conflict exists for a Director on a board matter, the Director concerned does not receive the relevant board papers and is not present at the meeting whilst the item is considered. Directors are required to take into consideration any potential conflicts of interest when accepting appointments to other Boards.
The Board recognises and values the importance of managing its relationship with the investing community. The Board is committed and communicates regularly with shareholders on the Group's strategy, financial performance, developments and prospects via issuance of annual and interim financial statements to shareholders, stock exchange announcements and in meetings.
The Group's management meets regularly with fund managers, analysts and shareholders to convey information about the development of the Group's performance and operations in Kazakhstan.
The Annual General Meeting ("AGM") provides the main forum and opportunity for discussion and interaction between the Board and the shareholders. The Board encourages the active participation of shareholders, both individuals and institutional at the AGM on important and relevant matters. The results of the AGM are announced via Regulatory News Service to the public after the AGM.
The Board places importance on the maintenance of a strong internal control system in the Group, including compliance and risk management practices to ensure good corporate governance. The Board regularly evaluates and monitors the effectiveness of the internal control system.
The Group's internal control system is designed to safeguard the Group's assets and enhance the shareholders investments. The Group's internal control system is designed to manage rather than fully eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives. Therefore, the internal control system can only provide reasonable but not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss.
The key elements of the Group's internal control system are:
Control - an organizational structure is in place with clearly defined levels of responsibility and authority together with appropriate reporting procedures, particularly with respect to financial information and capital expenditure.
Financial Reporting and Budgeting - A financial reporting and budgeting system with an annual budget approved by the Directors has been established to monitor the performance of the subsidiaries. The management evaluates the actual against budget to identify and explain the causes of the significant variances for appropriate action. The budgets are revised regularly taking into internal and external variables such as performance, costs, capital expenditure requirements, macro outlook and other relevant factors.
Risk Management and Compliance - Risk management and compliance policies, controls and practices are in place for the Group to identify, assess, manage and monitor key business risks and exposure and for evaluation of their financial impact and other implications.
The Audit Committee is tasked to monitor and review the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system and procedures including risk management and compliance. The Group's internal audit function is responsible for conducting internal audits based on the risk-based audit plan approved annually by the Audit Committee. The internal audit function provides regular reports to the Audit Committee highlighting the observations, recommendations and management action to improve the internal control system. The scope of work, authority and resources of the internal audit function are reviewed by the Audit Committee at annually. The Audit Committee also deliberates on control issues highlighted by the external auditors during the course of statutory audits.